22-25 November, virtual delivery, 1 1/2 hours per day
The shortage of a skilled workforce has become critical across the MTP sector, exacerbated by the restrictions on international travel due to the pandemic. The lack of professional standards has contributed to a lack of consistency in the recruitment and development of talent.
However, the pandemic has only exposed a problem which has been there for some time. The MTPConnect REDI Skills Gaps Analysis[1] has confirmed the skills shortage across the sector. This shortage is creating risks for our sector as staff are completing activities and functions, they don’t have the experience, nor the competency to undertake. The skills shortage has also fostered a “buy” rather than “build” approach in some parts of the ecosystem ultimately introducing inefficiencies and adding costs to doing business in Australia.
Workforce streams
The summit is organised into the following workforce streams
Each workforce stream is made up of four one and a half hour sessions with the first and last session common to all streams. Attendees can attend multiple workforce streams (Please refer to the program for further details).
The summit is designed to collect insights from those in attendance to be incorporate into a white paper (and therefore relies on active contribution from all attendees).
[1] https://www.mtpconnect.org.au/reports/mtp-workforce-skills
The purpose of the Workforce and
Capacity Summit is to generate ideas and develop action plans from the various
workforce streams to address the skilled workforce shortfall in the sector.
There will be prework as part of attending some streams which will inform
discussions during the summit.
All participants will attend a
workforce stream sessions at the beginning of the summit to set the scene and
provide further input from keynote speakers. Delegates from each
workforce stream will meet on day four to bring the session outcomes together
and determine next steps.
ARCS has convened a working
group to assist it prepare for the summit. The discussions within each
workforce stream will be framed around the following key questions.
The Workforce and Capacity Summit 2021 is presented and sponsored by Globalization Partners!
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